

席翔,男,19932月生于广西百色,工学博士,讲师。博士毕业于美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校,师承美国艺术与科学院院士鍾端玲(Deborah D. L. Chung)。主要从事工程材料智能化的研究,入选教育部海外博士后计划,主持/参与国家自然科学基金在内的多个科研项目。发表SCI/EI论文40余篇(第一/通讯论文30余篇)。担任《Carbon》、《Cement and Concrete Composites》等期刊的审稿人。







2018 - 2022, 纽约州立大学布法罗分校, 机械工程, 博士(导师:D.D.L. Chung 教授)

2015 - 2018, 华北电力大学, 机械电子工程, 硕士(导师:夏延秋教授)

2011 - 2015, 华北电力大学, 机械工程及自动化, 本科


2024 - 至今, 澳门金威尼斯游戏, 讲师

2023 - 至今, 澳门金威尼斯游戏/江苏省建筑科学研究院, 博士后(合作导师:储洪强教授, 冉千平教授级高工)

2022-2024, 澳门金威尼斯游戏力学与材料学院, 讲师




1.         国家自然科学基金项目,项目名称:“基于低强脉冲超声触发机制的混凝土微胶囊自修复方法研究 (52378232)”,研究期限:2024 - 2027

2.         国家自然科学基金项目,项目名称:“植物叶片表面蜡质组分在润滑剂中的作用及摩擦学机理研究 (51575181)”,研究期限:2016 - 2019

3.         北京市自然科学基金项目,项目名称:“电动汽车充电接口电接触材料载流摩擦研究 (2172053)”,研究期限:2017 - 2019


1.         席翔, 赵子杰, 王琳, 宋子健, 储洪强, 蒋林华, 冉千平. 水泥基电池和超级电容器的制备及储能机理的研究进展. 硅酸盐学报, 已接收. (A/EI)

2.         席翔, 李海龙, 陈友元, 裴景奇, 廖城坤, 薛琳, 储洪强, 冉千平. 碳纤维增强碳基复合材料的介电性能对应力的自感知. 高分子材料科学与工程, 已接收. (A/EI)

3.         Jingming Cai, Yujin Yuan, Xiang Xi, Neven Ukrainczyk, Lin Pan, Yifeng Wang, Jinlong Pan. Unveiling the remarkable potential of geopolymer-based materials by harnessing manganese dioxide incorporation. Small, 2024, 20(5): 2305360. (封面文章) (A/SCI)

4.         席翔, 储洪强, 冉千平, 张文一, 蒋林华, DDL Chung. 通用硅酸盐水泥基材料低频介电性能的研究进展. 硅酸盐学报, 2023, 51(8): 2074-2089. (A/EI)

5.         DDL Chung, Xiang Xi. A review of cement-based materials as electroceramics. Ceramics International, 2023, 49(15): 24621-24642. (A/SCI)

6.         Hongqiang Chu, Zhaoqiao Qin, Yingzhong Zhang, Xiang Xi, Zhengyu Zhu, Linhua Jiang. Magnetic field enhancing preferred orientation of nickel-cobalt plated carbon fibers in cement paste, with relevance to compression self-sensing. Measurement, 2023, 220: 113396. (A/SCI)

7.         Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Pyropermittivity as an emerging method of thermal analysis, with application to carbon fibers. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2022, 147: 10267-10283. (A/SCI)

8.         Xiang Xi, Murat Ozturk, DDL Chung. DC electric polarization of cured cement paste being unexpectedly hindered by free water. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2022, 105: 1074-1082. (A/SCI)

9.         DDL Chung, Xiang Xi. Factors that govern the electric permittivity of carbon materials in the graphite allotrope family. Carbon, 2021, 184: 245-252. (A/SCI)

10.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Dielectric behavior of graphite, with assimilation of the AC permittivity, DC polarization and DC electret. Carbon, 2021, 181: 246-359. (A/SCI)

11.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Pyropermittivity and pyroelectret behavior of graphite. Carbon, 2021, 174: 357-367. (A/SCI)

12.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Role of grain boundaries in the dielectric behavior of graphite. Carbon, 2021, 173: 1003-1019. (A/SCI)

13.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Dynamics of electric polarization and depolarization of graphite. Carbon, 2021, 172: 83-95. (A/SCI)

14.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Deviceless cement-based structures as energy sources that enable structure self-powering. Applied Energy, 2020, 280: 115916. (A/SCI)

15.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Electret behavior of carbon fiber structural composites with polymer and carbon matrices, and its application in self-sensing and self-powering. Carbon, 2020, 160: 361-389. (A/SCI)

16.     DDL Chung, Xiang Xi. Electric poling of carbon fiber with and without nickel coating. Carbon, 2020, 162: 25-35. (A/SCI)

17.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Electret behavior of unpoled carbon fiber with and without nickel coating. Carbon, 2020, 159: 122-132. (A/SCI)

18.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Electret, piezoelectret, dielectricity and piezoresistivity discovered in exfoliated-graphite-based flexible graphite, with application in mechanical sensing and electric powering. Carbon, 2019, 150: 531-548. (A/SCI)

19.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Capacitance-based self-sensing of flaws and stress in carbon-carbon composite, with reports of the electric permittivity, piezoelectricity and piezoresistivity. Carbon, 2019, 146: 447-461. (A/SCI)

20.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Colossal electric permittivity discovered in polyacrylonitrile (PAN) based carbon fiber, with comparison of PAN-based and pitch-based carbon fibers. Carbon, 2019, 145: 734-739. (A/SCI)

21.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Piezoelectric and piezoresistive behavior of unmodified carbon fiber. Carbon, 2019, 145: 452-461. (A/SCI)

22.     Xiang Xi, DDL Chung. Effect of nickel coating on the stress-dependent electric permittivity, piezoelectricity and piezoresistivity of carbon fiber, with relevance to stress self-sensing. Carbon, 2019, 145: 401-410. (A/SCI)

23.     席翔, 夏延秋, 曹正锋. 蒙脱石作为润滑脂添加剂的减摩抗磨性能及机理. 硅酸盐学报, 2017, 45: 1159-1167. (A/EI)

24.     席翔, 夏延秋, 曹正锋, 王骏遥, 梁秀兵, 乔玉林. 高速电弧喷涂Al-Ni-Mm-Co涂层在脂润滑下的摩擦磨损性能. 中国机械工程, 2017, 28: 215-222. (A/EI)


1.         赵子杰, 席翔, 顾薇, 李海龙, 谢雯, 储洪强, 蒋林华, 冉千平. 利用电信号监测混凝土结构的应力应变状态研究进展.      2023中国水利学术大会, 2023.


1.         席翔. “利用电信号监测混凝土结构的应力/应变状态”, 2023中国水利学术大会, 中国·郑州, 2023-11-05.

2.         席翔. “硬化水泥净浆中的驻极体极其自供能与自感知行为”, 第三届全国可持续混凝土理论与应用技术学术交流会, 中国·上海, 2023-05-21.

3.         Xiang Xi. “Self-powering Behaviors of Structural Materials”, 6th International Conference on Fossil Fuel and Renewable Energy, USA, 2022-02-16.

4.         DDL Chung, Xiang Xi. “Smart Cement-based Materials Enabled by Their Dielectric Behavior”, 11th Advances in Cement-based Materials, USA, 2021-06-24.

5.         DDL Chung, Xiang Xi. “Air Void Induced by the Post-curing drying of Cement Paste”, 11th Advances in Cement-based Materials, USA, 2021-06-24.


